Professional Private Investigation & Enquiry Agents 


How vulnerable is your business? Penetration testing (also known as pen testing) assesses your organisation’s exposure to criminal activity such as theft, fraud, bugs, data leakage, infrastructure breaches, cyber-crime and more. Our highly experienced professionals will work through your systems, networks, fleets and infrastructure to assess security levels currently in place and identify weaknesses which can then be addressed to mitigate and eliminate opportunities for corporate crime. 
Penetration testing will not only assess where the gaps are but how far attackers might get in a specific area on or offline. From the potential threat of disgruntled employees to the full force of global crime, DPM Facts will rigorously test your systems and work through a range of scenarios to significantly limit your organisation’s vulnerability from both internal and external attacks. Specific areas of reconnaissance include: 
Mobile systems and applications 
Servers and firewalls 
Wireless networks 
Access systems 
Financial systems 
Data security 
Systems compliance 
Employee awareness 
Breach procedures and response-handling 
Penetration testing can be provided as a stand alone service or as part of a business protection programme tailored to your organisation's specific needs. 
To discuss how DPM Facts can help safeguard your organisation please call +44 (0) 1474 833005 in complete confidence or  