Professional Private Investigation & Enquiry Agents 


Fraud is big business. It costs the UK £190 billion* a year with the private sector losing £140 billion* of which procurement fraud accounts for a staggering £121.4 billion. Procurement fraud includes crimes such as the submission of false invoices or the awarding of contracts in exchange for bribes. Other private sector fraud includes crimes relating to cash skimming, payroll, tax, grant and insurance. With corporate fraud being so prevalent and businesses being so vulnerable due to the scale of expenditure, number of transactions and sheer breadth of fraudulent activity taking place it is vital for organisations to implement systems to limit their exposure. 
With more than three decades of experience in protection and investigation, DPM Facts are highly equipped to assist and will work with you to develop a bespoke system of anti-fraud measures to safeguard your business. Our membership of the ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) provides us with information regarding the latest fraud practices arriving in the market place and the capabilities to prevent and protect against existing fraud methods. 
Should the worst happen (or have already happened), the DPM Facts team has the expertise and resources to commence a thorough investigation very quickly to limit the damage and costs to your organisation as well as tracking down the perpetrators. In addition to the economic cost, fraudulent activity can damage a company’s reputation, both internally and externally, limit its ability to trade, reduce employee morale and highlight opportunities for more deception to other potential fraudsters. Thus, it is vital to implement a comprehensive network of controls and safeguarding measures and avoid the potentially catastrophic cost of doing nothing. 
If you would like to discuss our range of anti-fraud measures for your organisation or need our help with existing crime,  
please call +44 (0) 1474 833005 in complete confidence or email 
*Source: Annual Fraud Indicator 2017 has been overseen by the UK Fraud Costs Measurement Committee (UKFCMC), supported by Experian and PKF Littlejohn and is based on research by University of Portsmouth’s Centre for Counter Fraud Studies.