Professional Private Investigation & Enquiry Agents 


For your protection, privacy and peace of mind, we can provide bug sweep and detection services also known as Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) or debugging. We provide a comprehensive detection service to locate a range of both active and passive bugging, counter-surveillance and eavesdropping systems including listening devices, data recorders and covert cameras. 
Whether you’re looking to safeguard your business from hackers, competitors, members of the public or other adversaries or have concerns regarding possible misguided activity within your organisation we have the expertise, discretion and professionalism to find and disable any illicit systems. We can monitor individuals in person using technology including computer-based systems and state of the art encryption systems. 
DPM Facts provide bespoke services appropriate to the individual client’s circumstances using both traditional and cutting-edge techniques. The services are tailored to the client’s specific requirements including level and nature of exposure and value of assets at risk, at a single location, across a network and/or mobile channels. 
Our services are not desk based but using on the ground, skilled operatives who monitor live activity to achieve best results. This service is available on a global basis giving peace of mind to corporate organisations, government outsourced offices and large organisations’ satellite offices. 
If you would like to discuss a particular issue you’re currently facing or talk through the options for safeguarding your organisation,  
please call +44 (0) 1474 833005 in complete confidence or email